Which formats will you accept for mastering?

Audio files:
We recommend exporting your mix with the following specs:
File type: WAV (regular or BWF)
Bit Depth: 32bit or 24 recommended. 16bit is also accepted if necessary.
Sample Rate: The native sampe rate of your recording. Typically 44.1kHz or 48kHz. 88.2kHz, 96kHz and above are naturally accepted as well.
AIFF files work too, but we recommend using WAV.
Let us handle the final conversions to the destination format.
In case uncompressed WAV or AIFF file is not available:
We accept compressed files such as MP3, AAC, M4A, OGG only in emergencies (i.e. the original uncompressed files or the mix session have been permanently lost).
Analog / Digital Tapes
Please get in touch with us well in advance if you wish to bring material into mastering as analog or digital tape of any kind!
Which master formats will you deliver?

The most frequent master formats provided are:
WAV-files, 16bit or 24bit, ready for digital delivery.
DDP for CD replication. The DDP package includes a player which can be used to audition the master and verify the PQ-coding before sending the DDP to a CD pressing plant.
Audio CD master copy. For an additioinal fee, we can make a physical reference copy of the master ona a CD.
Do you need something else?
Feel free to get in touch! Our mastering engineers will be happy to help you!
What information should I provide to the mastering engineer?

Please provide our engineers with at least the following information. It is important to have all the spelling checked as we will copy / paste this information to avoid any errors:
Artist name
Track names
Track order (if the tracks appear on the same release i.e. an album)
Album / EP name (if mastering an album or EP)
Your billing information (Name, Company, Address, Email, VAT ID etc.)
If available, please also provide this information:
ISRC codes for the tracks
UPC/EAN code for the album or EP
Catalog number for the album or EP
If you have some special requests regarding the sound, or certain reference material, feel free to let us know!
What's the difference between Standard Mastering and E-Mastering?

Two mastering services - what's the difference between them?
Standard Mastering is a premium service, always custom tailored to the customer's needs, while E-Mastering is a lower price point online service, which still gives you access to our renowned mastering expertise.
Standard Mastering
You can discuss your project with the mastering engineer of your choice, receive feedback and tips on your mix, and schedule the work. Attended mastering sessions are also possible. After the mastering is done, reasonable revisions are always included. The idea is that the mastering engineer of your choice works with you on your music - helping you achieve your goals!
While our mastering engineers will handle your music with the same uncompromising expertise and care in E-Mastering as in Standard Mastering, please consider that the lower price point is based on the following points:
Your track will be mastered by the first available engineer, so choosing a specific engineer is not possible.
After ordering the service, your mix will enter the E-Mastering queue, therefore scheduling of the mastering is not possible.
No revisions - you place your trust in our engineer's vision.
No attended sessions possible.
No PQ-coding, DDP, physical CD copy or album editing (track spacing & order etc.)
Master formats delivered are strictly 16bit 44.1kHz WAV, and 24bit WAV with the native sample rate.
Can I send my tracks to mastering split in two stems, such as instrumental and vox?

Yes you can - but we still ask you to include a bouce of the full mix.
We always encourage our clients to hone their mixes to the best state possible before mastering, and to consider sending a full mix stereo file instead.
If you want more information on Stem Mastering, please see "What is Stem Mastering, and do you do it?" below.
What is Stem Mastering, and do you do it?

What is Stem Mastering?
Stem Mastering is a hybrid process between mixing and mastering. Instead of providing the mix to the mastering engineer as a single stereo file, it is divided into multiple sub-groups or "stems" such as Drums, Bass, Guitars, Keyboards and Vocals. The mastering engineer then sums these stems to form the final mix.
Why do it?
There are several reasons to master from stems, the most common being problems in the mix that need fixing. It might be that the mixing engineer has to work in sub-par listening conditions and cannot fix things with confidence. Mastering from stems gives the mastering engineer a deeper access into the elements of the mix, which can be both a good and a bad thing:
Possibly fix problems that might be impossible to fix from a stereo mix file.
Diving too deep into the music as separate elements undermines the mindset of mastering: to see the bigger picture and handle the track as a whole.
Numerous options to change and fix specific things might lead to more time spent working on a track and increased cost for the customer.
Sometimes mixes are built in a way that makes exporting stems difficult: oftentimes the stems summed do not sound the same (or as good) as the whole mix exported, internal balance of instruments may change, reverbs are missing etc.
While fixing and fine tuning, there is a chance that too many things change, taking away from what the mixing engineer, producer or artist originally intended. While as mastering professionals we have a good sense on preventing this from happening, it is still possible.
Do you offer Stem Mastering?
Yes, we do! That being said, we still encourage our customers to hone their mixes as good as possible and provide a full mix stereo file instead. There is a reason why mixing and mastering have traditionally been separate processes with dedicated professionals!
Are you a certified Apple Digital Masters mastering facility? (formerly Mastered For iTunes)

Yes we are!
We have been certified by Apple, and you can find us on the Apple Digital Masters providers list under the name "Finnvox Studios".

Our flagship service offers uncompromising stereo or multi-channel mastering, always tailored to the customer's needs.
Attended sessions are also possible.

Mika Jussila
Nightwish, Children Of Bodom, Amorphis, Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica, Lordi, HIM, Kotiteollisuus, Mokoma, Stam1na, Viikate, Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus, Battle Beast, Beast In Black,
The Raven Age, Kolmas Nainen

Pauli Saastamoinen
J. Karjalainen, Haloo Helsinki, Maustetytöt, Darude, Bomfunk MC's, Anssi Kela, Ultra Bra, Pekka Pohjola, Kerkko Koskinen Kollektiivi, Anna Abreu, Hector, LEO, Softengine, Lauri Tähkä

Niklas Jussila
+358 40 748 2282
Service också på svenska
Dolby Atmos Music-mastering
Nightwish Dolby Atmos, Ultra Bra Dolby Atmos
Our Mastering Engineers love what they do. Their passion is to bring out the finest nuances of your music and ensure the best possible sound for your works in all listening conditions.
First-class service, uncompromising sound quality and the absolute satisfaction of our customers are considered a matter of honor; regardless of genre and publishing platform.